Navigating the Partner Grant Management System (2024)

First Things First’s partner grant management system (PGMS) is a secure extranet environment through which most FTF reporting is submitted.

Please review the following videos for instruction on how to complete program narrative reports, requests for reimbursem*nt, data reporting and other common functions related to your grant award such as a budget modification or a staff change notification.

Logging In and Navigating the Partner Grant Management System (PGMS)

This tutorial provides an overview of the partner grant management system and explains how to log into PGMS.

Reimbursem*nt Reports: Part 1

In order to be paid for services rendered on behalf of First Things First, you must detail all grant-related expenses on the Reimbursem*nt Request Report, which you then submit to First Things First for payment. We explain the reimbursem*nt report in four separate tutorials.

This first tutorial explains what the reimbursem*nt report is and how to access it in PGMS. You will also learn about the various statuses of reimbursem*nt reports.

Reimbursem*nt Reports: Part 2

To get started with your reimbursem*nt, this tutorial explains how to create a new reimbursem*nt report. We also describe each section of the reimbursem*nt report.

Reimbursem*nt Reports: Part 3

The most important part of the reimbursem*nt report is the expense ledger where you will record all your billable charges. This tutorial shows you how to enter the expenses into the expense ledger.

Reimbursem*nt Reports: Part 4

All billed expenses must be explained in some way. One way to explain your billed expenses is through existing documents such as mileage reports or receipts. This final tutorial shows you how to add such documentation to the reimbursem*nt report.

Reimbursem*nt Report Special Procedures and Common Errors

Reimbursem*nt reports aren’t that complicated but you should be aware of some special procedures related to wages, mileage, and out-of-state travel. Learn how to avoid some of the most common errors that result in reimbursem*nt reports being returned. This tutorial references the State of Arizona Travel Policies and First Things First’s Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form (located in the bottom right corner of the web page). You should bookmark these resources for your reference as they change from time to time.

Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form: Part 1

Arizona’s travel policies are pretty complicated so we try to spell things out in part one and two of the Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form tutorial. The Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form is how you will record travel expenses for reimbursem*nt for both in-state and out-of-state travel involving lodging and meals. This tutorial shows you where to find the form and explains the form’s different sections.

Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form: Part 2

Part 2 of the Meal and Lodging Reimbursem*nt Form tutorial explains how to complete and submit the form and provides some guidance on travel-related costs. Expenses for multiple travelers can be entered on the same form by utilizing a separate worksheet for each traveler. The separate worksheets can be accessed by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the form.

You will definitely want to familiarize yourself with Arizona’s various travel policies and the state’s Maximum Mileage, Lodging, Meal, Parking and Incidental Expense Reimbursem*nt Rates. Refer to these documents on the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) page as the documents are subject to change.

Budget Modifications: Part 1

Sometimes the needs and costs of a program change. First Things First recognizes these eventualities and provides a way to modify your program budget. This tutorial gives you an overview of the budget modification process and the circ*mstances in which a budget modification is needed. A budget modification request with proper justification for cost changes must be approved before goods and services are purchased. The Budget Modification Request Form can be found under Grant Implementation Resources on the partner grant management system (PGMS) dashboard.

Budget Modifications: Part 2

This tutorial gives step-by-step instructions for completing the budget modification request form and submitting the form through the partner grant management system. The Budget Modification Request Form can be found under Grant Implementation Resources on the PGMS dashboard.

Reporting Staff Changes: Part 1

Most programs will experience changes in personnel over the course of their grant. First Things First carefully monitors staffing patterns and wages so these changes in personnel must be reported to First Things First in a timely way. This tutorial explains when staff changes need to be reported to First Things First and introduces you to the Staff Change Notification Form and Personnel Table found under Grant Implementation Resources on the partner grant management system (PGMS) dashboard. This form will also be used whenever a PGMS contact is changed, regardless if that person is paid out of the contract.

Reporting Staff Changes: Part 2

This tutorial gives step-by-step instructions on how to complete the Staff Change Notification Form and program Personnel Table when there is a change in staffing. The Staff Change Notification Form and Personnel Table can be found under Grant Implementation Resources on the PGMS dashboard. While the staff change notification form only includes those staff that are being added and removed from the contract, the Personnel Table needs to include all staff and positions being paid out of the contract.

Submitting Program Narrative and Data Submission Reports

All grants and agreements funded by First Things First are required to report on a variety of program-related indicators. This tutorial will show you how to submit program narrative reports and data submission reports via the partner grant management system (PGMS).

Navigating the Partner Grant Management System (2024)


What is the difference between grant management and grant administration? ›

While the Grant Manager is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the grant, managing the budget, and approving expenditures, the Grant Administrator is responsible for connecting with the Grant Manager and confirming that the grant is progressing as planned.

What does a grants management system do? ›

Grant management software helps to keep all activities related to grants organized so that your nonprofit can present itself in a professional manner when applying for and managing grant money once it has been awarded.

What is the process of grant management? ›

Grants Management is the comprehensive process of overseeing all activities related to a grant. * The process includes managing the major steps of a grant lifecycle: Pre-Award | Award | Post-Award. Grants managers oversee various components of a grant lifecycle in varying detail.

What is a CRM in grant writing? ›

Additionally, having an automated system, such as a customer relationship management (CRM) solution, is important for such organizations to make sure they meet deadlines, correctly allocate expenses to the right grants and handle reporting in a timely and compliant manner.

What is the common rule in grants management? ›

The Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements, known as the Common Grant Rule, are the general administrative requirements pertaining to all U.S. Department of Transportation grants and sub- grants, including those awarded to State, local and federally recognized Indian tribal ...

Is grant management hard? ›

Common Challenges in Grant Management

Institutions that rely on manual systems often need help managing grants – from keeping track of deadlines to keeping up with paperwork. Some of the most common challenges in grant management include communication gaps, unstructured processes, and inefficiencies.

How to be an effective grant manager? ›

6 Grant Management Best Practices
  1. Keep Your Grants Organized. ...
  2. Create a Grant Tracking Calendar. ...
  3. Assign Tasks to a Well-Trained Team. ...
  4. Monitor Your Spending. ...
  5. Recognize the Legality of the Agreement. ...
  6. Invest in the Right Tools for Managing Grants and Their Data.

Why is grant management important? ›

With a well-thought-out grant management process, your company can expedite the time between creating grants and awarding them to nonprofits that need them most. Before long, you'll be able to tap into more benefits of strategic philanthropy, including: Enhanced brand reputation.

What does a grant management specialist do? ›

Troubleshoots and assists in resolving grant issues/problems, and offers alternative solutions to problems and concerns. Develops a strategy for monitoring grant recipients and ensuring policies and procedures are in place, and that grant funding is applied properly.

What is the full cycle of grant management? ›

The lifecycle of a grant has three major stages: pre-award, award, and post-award. The recipient and grantor both have unique tasks within each stage.

What are the four types of grants? ›

Grants come in various forms from several different types of entities. In the United States, there are four primary types of grants: competitive, continuation, pass-through, and formula grants.

Who are the stakeholders in grant management? ›

These stakeholders may include local community members, government representatives, corporate entities, foundations, and other NGOs. Develop a comprehensive list and prioritize based on their potential impact and influence on the grant application process.

What is CRM in one sentence? ›

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all of your company's interactions with current and potential customers. The goal is simple: improve relationships to grow your business. CRM technology helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Why does a nonprofit need a CRM? ›

A nonprofit CRM, also known as donor management software, helps organizations understand and grow their relationships with donors. According to the Nonprofit Tech for Good 2023 report, 67% of nonprofits use a CRM to track donations and manage communications.

What is an example of a CRM program? ›

Examples of CRMs

Salesforce – an early entrant into the CRM space that is focused on (and priced for) the enterprise space. HubSpot – A robust marketing automation platform that added a CRM on. – A project management tool that can be used as a CRM in some instances.

What is a grant administrator? ›

A Grants Manager or Administrator works for an organization to identify sources for grant funding and manage grant reporting. Researches funding sources, writes grant applications, monitors the work being done with grant funding, and prepares reports for funders.

What was the purpose of the grant administration? ›

Grant led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War. As an American hero, Grant was later elected the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877), working to implement Congressional Reconstruction and to remove the vestiges of slavery.

What is the difference between a grant writer and a grant administrator? ›

Grant administration covers the entire grant lifecycle, from pre-award to post-award, while grant writing focuses on the pre-award phase. Grant administration involves working with multiple grants at different stages, while grant writing involves working on one or a few grants at a time.

What is the difference between grant administrator and grant coordinator? ›

The top three skills for a grants administrator include grants management, financial reports and pre-award. The most important skills for a grant coordinator are grants management, financial reports, and professional development.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.